If retailer’s window displays in London are to be believed at this time of the year our thoughts turn to CHRISTMAS! The popularity of German Xmas Markets has increased over the years with visitors travelling for the great atmospherics at these events with German Food, Drink and crafts to the fore. While the more popular venues are well known (Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich,) my own favourite is the one which is patronised by Germans themselves and is set in the former capital of the Hanseatic League, Lübeck Queen of the Hansa.

Lübeck is also easy to get to by Budget Airline with deals possible at £10 return. To get there take the airline run by an Irish Accountant www.ryanair.com and land at Lübeck Blankensee Airport www.flughafen-luebeck.de which is 8km from the town. Helpfully Ryanair call this airport “Hamburg” as it is only 80 km from Hamburg! When I first came here (On a day trip!) in 2000 the schedule was Ryanair in the morning, Ryanair in the evening. Today Ryanair operate from Blankensee to 6 locations and the Hungarian airline Wizz www.wizzair.com operates to a further 5. One of the reasons the airport is still here is that the former airbase was bought and is still personally owned by the Tui family who live nearby and who own Thomson Tours and the leading travel operators in most European countries.

A stroll around the Christmas fair area, which was first mentioned in 1648, is an absolute Must-Do for all Lübeck visitors. The market and its some 400 merchants offer toys and Christmas decoration, gingerbread, hot spiced wine and plenty of other things. Unlike the tourist markets elsewhere this is a genuine market patronised by German visitors from Northern Germany and is highly recommended.
See the site on:
Or my post on:
The largest Christmas market in Lübeck can be found in the pedestrian zone of "Breite Straße" and behind the Town Hall on the market square "Kohlmarkt".
For children Lübeck offers the famous "Fairytale Wood" where they can see sleeping Hänsel & Gretel and many other fairytale heroes. The market is located in the churchyard of St. Mary's Church.
Another Christmas market featuring a unique medieval ambience is located inside the Hospital of the Holy Spirit. It is one of the most famous Christmas craft fairs in Germany and attracts exhibitors from all the Baltic States.

Craft Fair in the Heligen Geist Hospital
You can also visit the beautiful Christmas Craft Fair inside St. Peter's Church.
On the cold days there you can't beat a hot Eien Punsch - a sort of hot egg nogg which warms the pith of your stomach and miraculously heats up cold feet! Here is the recipe I was able to get.

Hot Egg Nog
Ingredients for a Hot Egg Nogg
• Brandy
• Dark Rum
• Sugar Syrup
• Egg
• Milk
Quantities for one drink:
• 1/2 oz Brandy
• 1/2 oz Dark Rum
• 1/2 oz Sugar Syrup
• 1 Egg
• 3 oz Boiling Milk
Blending Instructions:
• Blend all ingredients (except milk) until smooth and pour into a heat-proof goblet
• Add boiling milk, sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
Hau' weg das Zeug!

As far as the architecture goes, the town is known for its steeples and spires, high-gabled houses, strong towers and massive gates. Lübeck has a medieval atmosphere and many sites of cultural and historical interest: the Holsten Gate, St. Mary's Church, the town hall and historic administration building (Kanzleigebäude), alleyways and courtyards, the four-mast barque "Passat" that has become the symbol of Travemünde, the Hospital of the Holy Ghost and St. Peter's Church, whose tower offers awe-inspiring views over the town. The town is also billed as the world capital of marzipan, having been the spot where this delightful confection was first devised (there is a legend attached, of course). Samples of marzipan are freely available in Lübeck.

Niederegger Marzipan Museum
Herzlich willkommen auf dem Lübecker Weihnachtsmarkt!

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