Well if anybody doubted my prediction of the End of Boris, The Great Buffoon of London, his disastrous walk about in Clapham yesterday with an embarrassed Home Secretary, Theresa May, looking on proved Boris is not fit for purpose. Bozza of course had been away on holiday for 3 days when London Burned. Theresa May halfway through Boris's bluster could take no more and walked away out of camera shot. I have long forecast that our old Etonian government of white-tied Bullingdon Club multi-millionaires would set the country on fire while they fiddled and now they have.

In many parts of the country there is a toxic pyre of seething resentment against racist policing, bigotry, institutionalised discrimination, and savage cuts in public services, mass unemployment and hopelessness. No meaningful political leadership exists in such places; no constructive channel exists for such rage to be heard. They are divorced from politics and the police who they both regard as corrupt and self serving. Consider the morality of the rioters and looters on the streets of Britain who look upon MP’s, Police and others to be ripping off the country for all it’s worth, so they may as well do the same? But are the Bullingdon Gang in any position to throw stones at the rioters, are they occupying a moral high ground?

There is of course a huge difference between the rioters and the Bullingdon Club Members such a “Call me Dave” Cameron, Boris Johnson and Gideon Osborne who now calls himself “George.” Each year, they paid around £10,000 of Daddy's money for membership of the Bullingdon Club. They'd dress up in special silly clothes (another few thousand pounds) and go on sprees of drinking and smashing. Because the club had a reputation for destroying restaurants then buying the owners' silence with wads of cash, the club had to go under false names to book rooms. So that was the difference; The Bullies would cover up their vandalism by throwing Daddy’s money at the screaming little people. I think it’s fair to say few of the rioter’s have been to posh schools, had cosy internships, gap years, adventure holidays and jobs arranged through family friends for them or even been on a Tuscan holiday.

The Bullingdon Gang
"The looting and arson last night were criminality, pure and simple. Justice will be done and the people will see the consequences for their crimes”
David Cameron, 2011

Proof of the lack of respect could be seen as crowds heckled Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg during a walkabout in Birmingham. Scores shouted "go home" before he was ushered into a waiting car. As the car left New Street some of those gathered heckle "go on, run, run run"." Disgraceful behaviour! Boris Johnson's first public appearance since the riots began has also been a bit of a disaster since he returned today early from a camper van holiday in Canada. He was heckled loudly in Clapham Junction, accused of racism and of failing the community.

Riots Brixton
Angry business owners in south London confronted Mayor Boris Johnson about a night of violence which saw shops smashed up and burned", says the BBC. Boris blustered on making more meaningless promises he couldn't keep. He said rioters would "face the full force of the law." Well just what is that in reality and will it have anything to do with Boris? Does he feel those arrested have not been already through the revolving doors of the "Justice" Gap system? He also said every shop will reopen. Once again something over which he has absoloutely no control - How will he pay to reopen them? By scrapping his £2 million a copy "Boris Buses" or his ludricous cable car which is HIS only transport initiative as Mayor? Maybe he is going to scrap their business rates (no he can't)and have and even bigger black hole in the GLA and TfL's finances. Unable to answer them, Boris turned and walked away. Exposed at last is the emptiness of a showman - a man who is all "style" and no substance who, when it comes to the crunch, is himself a vandal at heart. Politically, he's finished.

Rioting Croydon
In a crisis situation, who in their right mind thinks "Quick, get Boris Johnson, he's just the man we need!
"When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
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